…Pre-Wedding Photos…Update #3

Well. My big sister is in the process of having a baby** and since I live thousands of kilometers away, all I can do is wait nervously in this Vast Northern Country and wait. And make this pomegranate ice cream…
So here I am. I live in Canada now, as most of you may know. That’s because I got married about two months ago. [Didn’t you hear? All the married people are moving to Canada now.] Okay, not really. Actually, I live in Canada because I married a Canadian (otherwise they never would have let me in). And if you are a long-time reader of the Archives of Our Lives, you’ve probably already read updates #1 and #2. This is what I like to call Update #3…

…Part of the décor at our wedding reception called for photos of Kyle and me in our wedding garb. We needed them to be printed before the actual wedding day, obviously, so we had my friend–and amazing photographer–Jenny Biggs take them for us a few days before the wedding. It was a huge favor to us, because she actually prefers to photograph newborns, children, and families. So don’t go bugging her to take your wedding pictures, because she might say “no.”

Here are some of our favourites (she took tons, and they all turned out so well that it’s hard to choose only a few. You’ll just have to look at a whole bunch. If that irritates you, stop reading my blog…) :

I am obsessed with this photo because it reminds me of picture in a magazine. Advertising cologne or deodorant or maybe even asphalt…

These next few were some of the first we took:

All of our together days, Kyle has had a terrible phobia of public displays of anything remotely resembling affection, and so it was really quite awkward for us to be kissing in front of Jenny and Adell. This photo was what it looked like the first few times we tried. Embracing the double chins, because, of course, double chins are so jolly…

We got over it though…

Don’t I look so cozy snuggled into Kyle? I was. Cozy, that is:

Jenny really liked this photo…

Another one that could have been in a magazine…

Remember always to embrace those double chins. They are so cheerful!

Thank you, Jami Parker Pitts, for letting me blatantly copy your wedding photo poses. I’m sure she had some that looked just like this, only with her face…

We didn’t get tons done in black and white, but I the ones we did choose turned out so classy… {I thought…}

…and something about this photo reminds me of the painting American Gothic by Grant Wood. {You know the one…that famous pose of the farmer holding a pitchfork with the younger lady right next to him…}

Last and least, the flowers. (From the time we took these photos to the day of our actual wedding, my bouquet actually changed quite a lot. Thanks to everyone who helped!)

So there you ha
ve it. We’re all married. Next update will be the actual wedding day.

**Since starting this post earlier this morning, my sister has had her baby!!! He was a few weeks early, but he came out rarin’ to go. He weighed somewhere around six pounds. [I never understood what the big deal was with the ounces…why does it matter so much? He weighed six or seven pounds, give or take a few ounces, and that’s all we really need to know.] I hear he’s got a bit of a cone head (and who wouldn’t, after squeezing through such a tiny little opening), but is nevertheless rather dashing. I can’t pass any judgments for myself, of course, because nobody in my family knows how to email photos. If I were there, I would email his little face to me…but then, if I were there, I wouldn’t need to see photos of him. I’d get a good long look in the flesh. As it is, I won’t get to meet the little buddy for about a month. Sad, but that’s the way it goes.

WELCOME TO THE WORLD ANYWAY! I already love you and can’t wait to teach you French!

About Camille

I'm Camille. I have a butt-chin. I live in Canada. I was born in Arizona. I like Diet Dr. Pepper. Hello. You can find me on Twitter @archiveslives, Facebook at facebook.com/archivesofourlives, instagram at ArchivesLives, and elsewhere.
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