If Only There Were “Apple Z” For My Life

Every time I make snickerdoodles, I misread the recipe and mix 2 tablespoons of sugar with 2 tablespoons of cinnamon (when, in fact, I should only add two teaspoons of cinnamon to the sugar). This I do without fail. And every time, I look at my mixture and think, “This looks awfully dark for cinnamon-sugar. Did I use too much cinnamon?” Then I re-read the recipe, silently berate myself for making the same mistake as the last time I made snickerdoodles, and debate whether I should add more sugar (which would be wasteful because I’d end up with excess cinnamon sugar), or dump it out and start over (which would be wasteful because I’d be dumping it out and starting over).

Wouldn’t it be nice to have an “Apple Z” [“Control Z” for PC typers {or “Edit-Undo,” if you want to get technical}] command for the program of our lives?

There are so many moments throughout my days when I wish I could just type “Apple Z” and undo a thoughtless error. An error like using a dish cloth to dry my dishes before sniffing it for foul odors (because there’s nothing I hate more than a stinky dish cloth). Or like starting the front-loading washing machine (which locks and stays locked until the cycle is finished) before checking all the hoodie pockets for loose change. Or leaving the house to run errands before checking that I have my cell phone with me. All of these things would be easily remedied, if only I had “Apple Z” programmed into my life.

It would be handy in more than just menial daily tasks, though. Social encounters, for example.

I’m so dumb in social situations. I think my problem is that I try too hard to act like I’m not trying very hard. It’s exhausting, maintaining this blasé outlook on life. I never knew it would take so much effort to seem effortless.

Case in point: Aside from my very dear friends and family, I don’t make phone calls. When I was in high school, I decided that talking on the phone was so immensely awkward, I would only make calls if I had a purpose for doing so. In other words, I’d never call someone just to chat. Unfortunately, I also had a few boys I liked very much, and so I was always coming up with reasons to call them. Usually they were very legitimate reasons (“We need to work on our Physics project,” or “We’re kidnapping Tessa for her birthday breakfast at Denny’s”), but if the phone calls ever morphed into casual chats, I would cease and desist immediately. Because chatting can lead to running out of things to chat about…and that always leads to awkward pauses.

And I will do absolutely anything in my power to avoid awkward pauses.

Having an “Apple Z” feature to help me undo sticking my foot in my mouth–that would be nifty. I wish I’d had “Apple Z” the time I found out my manager at work was pregnant, and I said, “Really? I’ve been working with you for six months, and I had no idea you were pregnant!” Which, evidently, to a pregnant woman, means I just thought for six months that she was fat.

Am I alone in this principle? (I know I’m not totally alone, because it was my sister’s idea in the first place [I give credit where credit is due.].) And even though I think it’s a splendid idea to be able to instantly right any wrong with a simple press of a button, I can also see the argument that we learn from our mistakes, etc. So what do you think? Are there times you wish you could just “Apple Z” it? If I ever start a world of my own, should I add the “Apple Z” feature, or make my worlds’ citizens suffer through the pain of making mistakes? It’s important to think these things through, you know, so as to avoid any regrets later.

About Camille

I'm Camille. I have a butt-chin. I live in Canada. I was born in Arizona. I like Diet Dr. Pepper. Hello. You can find me on Twitter @archiveslives, Facebook at facebook.com/archivesofourlives, instagram at ArchivesLives, and elsewhere.
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