It’s Not Good Lookin’ But It’s Lookin’ Good

In an attempt to look a little more fashionable (an attempt, by the way, also known as The Most Hopeless Cause Known to Man), I have decided to put some effort into my daily appearance. I figure, I’m getting to be kind of an adult, and it might be in my favour to look the part.

But then, that’s all it really is, isn’t it?  A part—a role? Because anybody with the tiniest bit of perceptiveness could see that I really am a toddler in a woman’s body.

But anyway, I’m trying. This decision has mainly been inspired by Niki’s weekly outfit report, Kate’s inspiring finds, and Angela’s always-lovely vignettes. I want to build a vintage vibe (mostly because thrift store shopping is cheap, but also because the aforementioned girls thrive on vintage and always look so lovely, so put together). I want to develop creative ways to accessorise. I want to go out of my comfort zone and see what happens. But mostly I want to figure out something to wear to school besides jeans and hoodies that will still be warm (that’s another thing to consider; I rely so much on hoodies because the weather in Canada sort of demands it {but there are lots of girls at school who still look really cute even dressed for winter, while I sort of end up looking like Frumpgirl five days a week}).

So I put on four different outfits on Saturday and this was the best I could come up with:

I didn’t realise it til now, but it looks like I’m the world’s biggest ASU fan (which I am not). Also, I didn’t realise it til now, but I didn’t look very good at all. I just don’t know how to put clothes together beyond the basic T with a sweater over it. I tried on three different belts in three different ways—over the T shirt but under the sweater, over the T shirt and sweater both, and around my head like a hippie (that last one was a joke)—and none of them looked good.

It’s no secret that I don’t know how to accessorise any other way than with a necklace or earrings. Even my hair doo-dads are booo-ring.

(Although I did try my hand at putting a tiny braid in my hair before I pinned it up, as I’ve noticed is popular today. I thought it looked passable, but when I went to see Poor Kyle, he took one look at it and laughed. Sad day.) (You can see it looping out on the right side of my head, in the middle. Fail.)

Anyway, the point is, I need help. I have decided I own way too many clothes to be looking this shabby all the time (by “this shabby” I mean I rarely wear anything besides jeans and a T shirt/hoodie anywhere—school, errands, appointments, wherever).  I’m going to go through my closet aggressively and get rid of anything I haven’t worn in the last year, and then rotate the remaining clothes in creative ways until I can afford to get a new wardrobe. It’s a bit extreme, but something’s gotta change.

What are your staple items of clothing? Do they bore you, or are you pleased with your current duds?

About Camille

I'm Camille. I have a butt-chin. I live in Canada. I was born in Arizona. I like Diet Dr. Pepper. Hello. You can find me on Twitter @archiveslives, Facebook at, instagram at ArchivesLives, and elsewhere.
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