The Ten Things Post

I was given an award by loyal reader Molly a few days ago.  {Molly is pretty awesome. She decided she likes my blog so much that she wanted to promote it, and because I am a very bad blogger and have not yet taken it upon myself to design an AOoL button, she just stole an image from me and made her own, with a link and everything, that sends her readers straight to my blog. Awesome? Yes.  You can see it here on the right sidebar a few images down. It’s lovely.}

Anyway, it is not often that I remember to fulfill the duties of these blog tag things, so I thought I better do it straightaway, while it is still fresh in my mind:

Ten Random But True (which is redundant because everything, and I do mean every thing, I write on this blog is 100% truth) Things About Me You Might Not Have Known:

1. As of May 2009, I get my nether-region hair waxed (Brazilian-style) on a regular basis. It’s nice. Highly recommend it.

2. I know what it takes to make friends at school, but I have become so disillusioned with friends in general that I have resolved to a) keep the ones I have, but b) make no new ones, ever. So I go for days without speaking to anyone in any of my classes, not even the ones who talk to me first—I just look at them blankly, pretending I don’t speak English. I am an international student, after all. It’s peaceful. Drama-free. Best decision I ever made.

3. Even though I keep losing the writing contests I enter, I have not given up. I’m entering another one tomorrow (this one has a cash prize and if I win, I have dedicated myself to spending part of it on my readers, so cross your little fingies).

4. I feel too young to have a life insurance policy, and I secretly suspect, in one half of a percentage point of the farthest recesses of my mind, that Poor Kyle is just biding his time until he can dispose of me quietly and cash in on the goods. It’s curtains for me.

5. Even though I have no hope of ever becoming a child star now that I’m well into my twenties, I still haven’t lost the dream to someday be a famous movie star.  Maybe in my old age. Grannies need to be portrayed on the big screen, too. I’ll be a great granny figure. That is, if the whole YouTube™ career doesn’t work out.

6. I, with the help of Google, discovered a cure for mild dandruff, and it doesn’t even involve using shampoo. Camille=green. Eco power, baby.

7. Someday, maybe even within the next year, I will be dying a portion of my hair pink. It was a goal of mine in high school, and, even though I’ve sort of moved on, I wrote it on my lifetime to-do list, and therefore it must be done. I say, the sooner, the better. Get it over with.

8. I don’t know how to wear lingerie. I tried buying some for a special occasion recently, got it home, and realised I had no idea what the garter straps were supposed to…well, strap.  Naturally, I turned to Google™ to find the solution, and YOU CAN IMAGINE HOW WELL THAT WORKED OUT FOR ME, (ahem),  P-to-the-ORNOGRAPHY. I suffer from repressed sexuality due to growing up in a bubble and also having the traditional Mormon fear of God put into me about FORNICATION, to the point of even thinking “sex” was a dirty word until the age of seventeen. I am also extremely embarrassed to purchase my own bras, even the not-sexy kinds. Like I said: repressed. That’s why my regular Brazilians are so noteworthy—it’s an enormous step for me.

9. I used to wish I had been born an English heiress with a title; instead, I was born into a lower-middle class suburban American family. And that has made all the difference. No, really. Unanswered prayers and all that jazz—being a wealthy duchess would have ruined me. Though I still dig all things British, and someday hope to drag my husband there for an amazing summer holiday.


10. I use a prize system based on DDP to get work done. As soon as I finish this post, there will be a chilled-to-perfection can of the good stuff waiting for me to make love to it, figuratively speaking, of course. I might even don the sexy bra (I only own one) for the occasion. Hubba.

About Camille

I'm Camille. I have a butt-chin. I live in Canada. I was born in Arizona. I like Diet Dr. Pepper. Hello. You can find me on Twitter @archiveslives, Facebook at, instagram at ArchivesLives, and elsewhere.
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